Super Baltars KOWA Anamorphics Standard Baltars Rental Info
 Super Baltars The lens that defined the look of cinema: overall natural look with pleasant falloff of focus and luminosity, lush contrast and excellent skin tone reproduction.
This look evolved from the Standard Baltar, a slightly sharper and higher contrast lens that dominated the US industry from the 40’s through the 60’s. Aside from reflex safe rear optics, a slightly faster speed and greater coverage, Bausch and Lomb created a family of cinema lenses that beautifies without distracting; a lens that lets the audience forget its looking through a lens.
Behold Optics offers two fully modernized sets that have been steadily working since 2009 on all levels of production. They can go out for months without issue on focus motor shoots.
The sets include:
20mm f2 (t2.3) 18” minimum focus
25mm f2 (t2.3) 18” minimum focus
35mm f2 (t2.3) 18” minimum focus
50mm f2 (t2.3) 18” minimum focus
75mm f2 (t2.3) 22” minimum focus 100mm f2 (t2.3) 48’minimum focus
152mm f2.8 (t3.0) 60’ minimum focus

Here is a test comparing the Standard Baltars and the Super Baltars done by our friends at Red Road Studios

Sample Frame Grabs